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Road to Revolution

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Road to Revolution
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Текст на Статията

  • French and Indian War
  • Proclamation of 1763
  • We have to move out East!
  • Stamp Act
  • 1756In the mid-1700s, France had become become Britain's biggest rival. Eventually, fighting broke out between them over fur trading territory. American Indians sided with the French , which is why we call it the French and Indian war. After seven years, Britain won. In 1763, the Treaty of Paris was signed, giving Britain Northern American colonies, Canada, and land between the Appalachian mountains and the Mississippi.
  • Sons of Liberty
  • We're not going to the congress!
  • 1763The King issued a statement claiming that colonists could not move west past a certain point. Many colonist actually had to move east. The reason for this was to try and stop violence arising between Native Americans by giving the American Indians land. After the French and Indian war, they couldn't afford another war. They also wanted to establish trade with the American Indians and build forts to protect the colonies.
  • 1st Congress
  • 1765Because of the debt gained in the war, Britain imposed taxes upon the colonists. However, there was no colonial representation in the British Parliament, which made colonists upset. Colonists pressured the British so much that they gave up the Stamp Act, though they made many others. Tis only caused more issues among the colonists.
  • Declaration of Independence
  • We're independent!
  • 1765After the Stamp Act was dissolved, Governor Wright had to keep Georgia in order. However, a group called the "Liberty Boys" was founded. A Stamp Act Congress was actually called, but governor Wright would not allow Georgia to participate. Every other colony sent delegates, but Georgia did not.
  • 1774Up in Boston, trouble was brewing. The Boston Massacre and Tea Party united the colonies against Britain. In 1774, the 1st Continental Congress was called, and every colony except for Georgia sent representatives. They met in Philadelphia, and the representatives wrote protests and decided to boycott British goods. They also pledged military support to Massachusetts if they were attacked again.
  • 1775After many battles had taken place, another Continental Congress was called. They attempted to find a peaceful solution, but the King would not allow them to leave peacefully. Eventually they decided to declare independence. To declare independence, they composed a document that would tell the world that the colonies wanted to be free.
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