From the cases we receive in this clinic, I believe a vaccine would be of much assistance to us as health care professionals and the community at large. From the cases we receive, most people are the elderly which is stressful on families, a vaccine to assist the weak immune systems would be helpful.
From the news we have heard that the outbreak of this pandemic has gotten out of control and there is a vaccine that is to be implemented to assist with this problem. How do you feel about that and why
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Good afternoon ma'am, I hope you are good . From the crisis that we are experiencing in the community due to this pandemic, what is your take on the vaccine that is to be implemented?
I'm good thank you, ma'am. Well, this question is tricky because I have to think about my children and parents but I for one do not believe in vaccines. I would not take the vaccine if it were to be implemented because I believe we have immune cells for a reason and my body will fight for itself . What if I get severe side effects?
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Thank you for allowing this interview to take place. We are in a crisis due to the out break of the new virus in Springville. What is your take on the vaccine ? Do you support the implementation?
It's more than a pleasure. That's a very good question because I myself was on quarantine for 2 weeks due to this virus. If I was able to get better without the help of a vaccine, why would I need it because I already have antibodies for this virus in my body. And again, due to my religion, I am naturally vaccine hesitant. (smiles)