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Storyboard, business class.

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Storyboard, business class.
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Текст на Статията

  • I would enjoy working with you, I will need to talk to my dad about it.
  • Would you want to work for me? you would be a great assistant
  • Hey dad, I have someone that wants me to be their assistant.
  • Where is the place? What are the responsibilities?
  • Why can’t I still work for him? This would be a huge opportunity.
  • You are a minor, you are not 18 yet. So therefore the contract is unenforceable.
  • Okay, dad that would be nice.
  • I can go with you tomorrow and meet this guy, we can try to work something out.
  • It was nice meeting you, good thing to talk through the business.
  • I’m glad we could work something out, and have your son on the team!
  • Dad let me have the job to be an assistant for a big company.
  • How did it go?
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