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Dang Brits and their taxes

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Dang Brits and their taxes
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Текст на Статията

  • Stamp Act of 1765
  • We now have to pay for a stamp on every paper product.
  • Thse Taxes are getting to expensive ;-;
  • Let's revolt against these taxes!
  • Quartering Act of 1765
  • I'm hungry mom!
  • We can't afford to keep feeding him.
  • Another!
  • Sugar Act of 1764
  • you have to pay extra taxes on sugar now
  • Aww dang, how am I gonna make my pie recipie now? ;-;
  • This act required a Stamp on all documents and paper goods, including newspapers. Even though this only affected a small percentage of the population - those who it did affect started a revolt aginst the taxes.
  • Writs of Assistance
  • What is in here?!
  • The Quartering Act of 1765 required all households to feed and shalter British soilders if the soilers requested it.
  • Tea Act of 1773
  • The Sugar act of 1764 added a tax on all sugar, molasses, and even some foreign coffees, as a result the colonists would comonly boycott the merchants as a way of advoiding the tax and revolting against the British parliment.
  • The Intollerable Acts
  • The Writs of Assistance caused warrents to not expire, this caused soldiers to be able to search anywear without a warrent, and they would search for smugglers without getting a specific warrent.
  • We will see about that!
  • I'm not hiding anything!
  • The Tea Act of 1773 actually lowered the taxes on tea, but it forced the colonists to only use cheaper tea. Even though this lowered the taxes the colonists still got mad and threw 4 million pounds of tea into the sea, they also boycotted tea and used coffee instead.
  • The Intollerable Acts were a bunch of acts passed by british parliment, these acts were seen as a punishment for the Boston Tea-Party. These acts included banning self governing in Massachusetts, the quartering act of 1765, and it gave Massechusetts land to Quebec, which caused much political conflict due to the prominent religeons there,
  • This is intollerable!
  • How dare they!
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