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Satirical comic strip

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Satirical comic strip
Storyboard That

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Текст на Статията

  • Well I was going too, but some politicians said the vaccine is ineffective so I decided not too.
  • And when I wasn't vaccinated endangered animals bounced back. So I think I'll stay unvaccinated in order to help the animals
  • John, I've heard that you have fallen ill recently and came in contact with someone who has covid.Are you vaccinated?
  • Well a lot of other people aren't vaccinated so it doesn't make a difference if im vaccinated or not.
  • If you don't get vaccinated, many more people are going to get sick and suffer the same sickness you are going through right now.
  • Well, since you aren't vaccinated you must be an idiot. If you aren't vaccinated you hate America and the rest of the world.
  • NOO!
  • That is simply not okay John you need to get vaccinated now.
  • JOHN!!!
  • Don't worry I just gave him a 100% safe and clean at home vaccine recipe I made.
  • Maybe I should stay away from the vaccines.
  • Mam, I'm afraid your son won't make it. That vaccine had racoon urine in it.
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