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Brigid got up and opened the door and saw a couple at the door. The couple asked if they could stay at he place and then it hit Brigid. She knew exactly who these people were and invited them in quickly.
Brigid got Mary comfortable and helped her settle in. While Brigid went out to get some water for Mary she heard soft cry's of a newborn baby, Jesus. Mary and Joseph couldn't thank Brigid enough and were so grateful for her.
Brigid woke up and realized she was back in her old stable. She had a brand new cloak and when her mother found her Brigid explained everything to her.
Just as she was praying she stood up and it was time for supper, she was in disbelief. Bridget wasn't in her stable anymore, but she was in a diffrent stable. The air was dry, warm and dusty. She was exploring the setting around her until she got called by someone she didn't know.
Brigid followed the man up and and got to work as soon as possible. She was exhausted and couldn't wait to take a break, finally when she finished she sat down but just as she sat down there was a knock on the door.
Where am I??
Come on, no time to muck around!
Come on, what are you waiting for start cooking!
Ok! I'll start right now.
Could we please stay here, my wife needs to rest.
Yes of course, come in!
Thank you so much!
You did it!
Good job Mary, and thank you Brigid.
Brigid where were you! I was worried sick!
*Explains everything*
The End.