The ecosystem game is a game where you go around school asking teachers for resources to help your organism survive
What is it?
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Thank you so much!
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At school
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Yes of course!
Do you have any resources?
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Do you have resources?
Yes I do!
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Do you have resources?
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Hey class! the resource game is over I hope you all survived. I will tally the numbers up and let you guys know how it went
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Started: 524 Deaths: 466Survived: 58CauseLack of food: 182 (39%)Lack of water:224 (48%)Lack of shelter: 60 (13%)
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Lack of water killed off the majority of the organisms in the game. 224/466 out of the deaths (48%)
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This is called a limiting factor. What is that you may ask. A limiting factor is a factor that controls the growth of a population.
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Why would it be a limiting factor? This is considered one because it is keeping ones population from getting to large!
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In the ecosystem game only 11% (58) organisms survived. Their main cause of death came from a lack of water.
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This limiting factor ( drought) played a roll in our ecosystem game because it causes everything to dry out meaning there's little to no water for the organisms causing them to die from dehydration, which was our main cause of death.