Saadat Ali Khan I was the founder of the state of Awadh. It was the first region to leave from the Mughal Empire.
Awadh was a prosperous region because it controlled the fertile Ganga valley and the busy trade routes from Delhi to Bengal.
Saadat Khan combined the subadari, diwani and the faujdari. He also reduced the number of officers appointed by the Mughals, which decreased Mughal influence.
I want you everyone to take care of my city and make sure if everything is going well.
Saadat Khan reduced jagirs and maintained accounts of jagirdars to avoid cheating and corruption.
I think we should reduce jagirs and maintain jagirdars so that we don't get scammed.
The state at that time depended on ijardars (mahajans or local revenue bankers who were given responsibility to collect revenue from people).
Hey there, we are here to collect your revenue.
This system allowed wealthy people like money lenders and bankers to influence the management of money in the state.