Ellie:Hi there! Welcome to our Budget Master VR low trigger model experience. I'm Ellie, your virtual guide,here to help you navigate through the challenges of managing a budget on your own.Ready to start planning smartly and shopping wisely? Let’s jump right in!
Пързалка: 2
Go Shopping
Grocery Plan
Weekly meal plan
Anna:So, I just need to plan meals and shop within a budget? I think I can manage that.
Пързалка: 3
Ellie : Exactly, just like planning a week's meals for you and your kids without relying on your husband’s income.
Memo WEEK MEAL PLAN:Tomato 3Cucumber 5Milk 4.....
Ellie: Great! You're doing well. Once you're ready, we'll head to the virtual grocery store.
Anna: I’ve got this. Planning meals is something I’m used to.