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Macbeth storyboard Part 2

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Macbeth storyboard Part 2
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Текст на Статията

  • Пързалка: 1
  • Say welcome to all of our friends for me, sir, for in my heart they are all welcome.
  • Sit down. From the highest to the lowest of you, I bid you a hearty welcome.
  • Thanks to your majesty!
  • Banquet Scene: ACT 3, Scene 4In this scene, Macbeth and Lady Macbeth are holding a banquet. The banquet is being held for their victory in becoming king and queen of Scotland.
  • Пързалка: 2
  • Good friends, think of this as nothing more than a strange habit. It’s nothing else.
  • Go! And get out of my sight!Stay in your grave.
  • Macbeth Sees Ghosts: ACT 3, Scene 4, Page 3In this scene, Banquo's ghost sits on Macbeth's chair. When this happens Macbeth gets frightened and starts yelling at it. Due to this Lady Macbeth gets angry at Macbeth for not staying calm and calls it a mental illness.
  • Пързалка: 3
  • Macbeth willnever be defeated until Birnam Wood marches tofight you at Dunsinane Hill.
  • These were sweet omens! Good!
  • Be violent, bold, and firm. Laugh at the power ofother men, because nobody born from a womanwill ever harm Macbeth.
  • Macbeth! Macbeth! Macbeth! Beware Macduff.Beware the thane of Fife.
  • Witch’s new prophecy: ACT 4, Scene 1, Page 4 + 5In this scene, Macbeth goes to the 3 witches again, as he goes there three apparitions come down looking like an armed head, a bloody child, and a crowned child with a tree. They told Macbeth their new prophecy.
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