1978, Carroll Bonnet is found naked face down in his Omaha, Nebraska apartment with stab wounds covering his naked body. Finger prints are found on the bathroom counter next to where blood was washed away. Detectives on scene notice the car is missing.
For 30 years the case went unsolved. The last of the evidence obtained at the time were latent prints found on the stolen car located in Illinois. But, in 1999 the IAFIS program is put into place by officials. Not long after in 2008, an inquiry was made by Laura Casey about the fingerprints found on the scene. And, soon found they belonged to a man in an Illinois prison named Jerry Watson.
While Jerry Watson was in Illinois prison he was tried and charged for the murder of Carroll Bonnet being sentenced to life in prison. Which he is currently serving to this day no reports have been made if Watson has passed away.https://prezi.com/vo4qecsalv4b/carroll-bonnet-case/https://leb.fbi.gov/articles/featured-articles/iafis-identifies-suspect-from-1978-murder-case