Perfect for fictional summaries or school newspapers, a newspaper project lets students get creative while recounting events. They're easily adapted to fit any subject, from Science to Social Studies to ELA!
Using one of the newspaper templates, students will create the front page of a newspaper. This example uses the discovery of pre-historic cave paintings in Lascaux, France but this project could be used for any topic! Students could recount a particular event in a book for ELA, a current or historical event for Social Studies, a new discovery or innovation for Science, students could even create a front page news story from their own imagination!
To pre-plan, the 5 Ws (who, what, when, where, why) are helpful to think about as a guide. Students can write the answers to those questions using a graphic organizer as they gather facts and information.
For additional templates to include in this assignment, check out our Newspaper Poster and Newspaper Worksheet templates!
(Тези инструкции са напълно адаптивни. След като щракнете върху „Копиране на дейност“, актуализирайте инструкциите в раздела „Редактиране“ на заданието.)
Due Date:
Objective: Create the front page of a newspaper to recount an event.
Student Instructions: