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World War II Comic Strip

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World War II Comic Strip
Storyboard That

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نص القصة المصورة

  • 1939: Hitler successfully Blitzkrieg's Poland, Norway, Denmark, Netherlands, and Belgium alongside Stalin
  • I
  • May 1940: German Troops attack France through the Ardennes Forest to save 300,000 British soldiers at Dunkirk
  • Unternehmen Seelöwe (Operation Sealion)
  • June 1940: Mussolini declares war on France and forces France to surrender in June of 1940
  • We Surrender!
  • June 4th 1940: Winston Churchill gives his "We Shall Fight On the Beaches" Speech declaring Britain will not surrender
  • June 1940: Shortly after, Hitler composes a plan to invade Great Britain and force them to surrender called "Operation Sealion"
  • l
  • 1. Destroy Royal Air Force 2. Destroy Royal Navy in coastal zones 3. Bomb major cities around London
  • Sep 7, 1940 – May 11, 1941- Hitler bombs London 57 nights in a row but London remains strong, plan fails
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