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Storyboard That

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نص القصة المصورة

  • Josh Bell is jealous because his brother, JB, is spending all his spare time with his new girlfriend Alexis
  • .\ /.------
  • Josh's Dad drives Josh to his basketball game at school. They will be late because They got pulled over by the cops, his dad was speeding, so that they won't be late. Josh's dad was mad.
  • Josh made it to the game. He was late though, he had to clean up and sit on the bench for the whole first half.
  • PASS FILTHY!!!!!
  • Josh subbed in the game, he was flustered because he was late to his game, he tripped in mud, his dad is mad, the crowd is laughing and booing and his brother wont pay attention to him. He gets the ball during a good play, josh has the chance to pass the ball to JB who had a wide open shot. JB yells for the ball, Josh does not want to pass the ball to JB, but it is the best option. In anger, Josh throws the ball at JB's face and JB starts bleeding.
  • Chuck "Da Man" Bell dies as his wire,Crystal Bell, and his two sons,Josh and JB, morn over there loved ones loss.
  • Josh and JB spent months not speaking or interacting with each other, they threw free throws together. Basketball was the thing that brought them together in the hard times.
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