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Water use argument.

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Water use argument.
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نص القصة المصورة

  • Problem
  • Earth has a limited amount of fresh water for the growing, human population.
  • Claim
  • If we use technology, we can mitigate our water use per capita.
  • Evidence #1
  • In the United States we use 70% of our water supply for domestic.
  • Evidence #2
  • Water Sense uses 2 % of our fresh water supply. Water saving technology such as can help mitigate water use per capita.
  • A piece of technology that we can use to reduce our water use is the water sense. A type of smart irrigation. The local weather data to determine when and how much water. Also, the Water Sense labeled irrigation controllers can save you water, time and your money.
  • Evidence #3
  • Reasoning
  • A water sense can make water a little bit more fresh so you can drink water. Also you can reduce the amount of water that you use un your house.
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