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their eyes were watching god

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their eyes were watching god
Storyboard That

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جربه مجانا!

نص القصة المصورة

  • "When the people sat around on the porch and passed around the pictures of their thoughts for the others to look at and see, it was nice."(Chapter 6, page 51)
  • "All they needed was to see Matt's long spare shape coming down the street and by the time he got to the porch they were ready for him."(Chapter 6, page 51)
  • ""Reckon we better not tell yuh head at de store. It's too fur off tuh do any good. We better all walk on down by Lake Sabelia.""Whut's wrong, man? Ah ain't after none of uh y'alls foolishness now."(Chapter 6, page 52)
  • "Yeah, Matt, dat mule so skinny till de women is usin' his rib bones fuh uh rub-board, and hangin' things out on his hock bones tuh dry."(Chapter 6, page 52)
  • "He fights every inch in front uh de plow and even lay back his ears tuh kick and bite when Ah go in de stall tuh feed 'im."(Chapter 6, page 53)
  • "If Ah thought he didn't know no better Ah'd have mah picture took and give it tuh dat mule so's he could learn better. Ah ain't gointuh 'low 'im tuh hold nbothin' lak dat against me."(Chapter 6, page 53)
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