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إنشاء القصة المصورة الخاصة بك

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نص القصة المصورة

  • I´m sorry, you have Malaria, but it is common around here. A parasite bit you like the one on the screen.
  • Is it easy to cure?
  • Yes!
  • Hospital
  • Blood transfusions means giving your blood to others who need it.
  • How could I prevent it?
  • To get better you should take these anti-malarial pills.
  • You should also use bug spray and screens in your home to prevent it. Stay home and get rest.
  • The doctor diagnosed me with Malaria, a disease which was common where we were. I must have been bitten by a mosquito carrying a parasite, then the parasite bit me and transferred the disease.
  • OH NO!
  • Hello Hospital? Yes, my friend is really sick and it seems serious.
  • Depending on the type of parasite, the victim could be an outpatient in the hospital for a few days. I might need help breathing and blood transfusions.
  • It can spread by the parasites biting people and passing it on with sharing needles, blood donations and transfusions.
  • Sharing Needles
  • Blood donations
  • I was lucky because sometimes, victims have seizures or lose consciousness. He told me that I should stay away from people, because this was contagious and infectious.
  • Elena Rahman
  • During a long trip down to Sub-Saharan Africa,I began to have aches and chills. I ignored it because I didn't think anything of it.Soon later I started to have nausea and headaches. I didn't feel good, I knew something was wrong.
  • If it is diagnosed early and treated, it can be cured in 2 weeks. If not, it can be deadly especially in young children and the elderly.
  • I know you are all better, but how can you spread it?
  • https://kidshealth.org/en/parents/malaria.html?ref=searchhttps://healthfinder.gov/HealthTopics/Category/health-conditions-and-diseases
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