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social studies children's book

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social studies children's book
Storyboard That

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نص القصة المصورة

  • This story takes place just shortly after Lincoln's death. When the reconstruction era began, marking the beginning of the journey for the ample amount of newly freed slaves.
  • Us congress members just ratified the 13th, 14th, and 15th amendments. Mrs. Narrator can you please show everyone what these amendments were and how they affected the country.
  • Of course! Come along with me now.
  • WE'RE FREE!!!
  • Finally slavery has been abolished! I can go find my family
  • The slaves were belated to hear that because of the passing of the 13th amendment they were allowed access to the freedom they were deprived of.
  • I know! And this is a lovely house that you've bought!
  • We now have the right to own property and we have equal protection of the law!
  • The 14th Amendment gave the newly freed African Americans their citizenship.
  • And lastly, the 15th Amendment gave freed slaves their right to vote. Unfortunately discriminatory state laws, called black codes, were passed and deprived them of the rights that they had just earned. 
  • So you're telling me us African American males got the right to vote just to have it taken away soon after?
  • Yes.
  • And so this is the end of our journey with the Amendments. However, this is only the beginning for many events in history. Like the Civil Rights Movement, but that's a story for another day.
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