Francis looked out at the majestic scenery before him.
Francis looked out at the majestic scenery before him.
The fields were alive with the caws of crows and bleating of the sheep.
The fields were alive with the caws of crows and bleating of the sheep.
The scene used is already highly detailed. By adding lots of objects, especially those of high detail, the scene quickly becomes too cluttered.
The scene itself is very detailed. Balance it by having a large, simple, less detailed image, such as a character up front and minimal decorative objects.
Using few images and simple objects can make this already basic scene look empty.
Since this scene is more simple, heavily detailed objects (or many objects) will fit nicely in the scene, without being overwhelming.
Simple Scene
Detailed Scene
When making a detailed scene, consider the visual weight it holds, and minimize the number of additional objects to avoid clutter.
When using a simple scene, it is okay to offset the light weight with more objects and images with higher detail to create a balanced result.