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Seed Needs

قم بإنشاء Storyboard
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Seed Needs
Storyboard That

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نص القصة المصورة

  • This lesson will begin with the teacher explaining that all living things need certain things to survive and how people and animals are not the only living things, plants are too. The teacher will then explain how plants "move" in order to ensure survival.
  • Students will then go outside to collect seeds. During this activity the teacher will ask questions about what they are finding.
  • After returning to the classroom, the students will participate in a worksheet where they will be able to identify the different seeds that they found and how they were spread.
  • The teacher will begin a class discussion after the students have finished their worksheet. The teacher will ask the class about their findings and why they think that seed dispersal is important.
  • The class will return outside for a role playing activity where they will act like wildlife and drop plastic eggs that will represent seeds and how are spread in nature.
  • The class will be asked to demonstrate their knowledge on seeds by drawing the different ways they are spread. The teacher will engage the students in a class discussion about how and the importance of seed "traveling" as well as a hands on activity where students are asked to sort seeds based on their dispersal method.
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