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The Gift of the Magi Plot Diagram

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The Gift of the Magi Plot Diagram
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The Gift of the Magi Plot Diagram

نص القصة المصورة

  • WIGS
  • Della and Jim, a poor couple, struggle to buy Christmas gifts for each other.
  • Della is has only $1.87 to buy her husband a gift, which is not enough.
  • Della decides to sell her hair for money so she can purchase a gift worthy of Jim. She gets $20 and can afford a platinum chain for Jim's heirloom watch.
  • Della and Jim exchange gifts. Jim has sold his watch to buy Della a beautiful set of combs.
  • They decide to put their gifts away until they can both use them.
  • Despite their errors, Della and Jim still love one another, and learn a valuable lesson about sacrifice and love.
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