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User Interface Proposal

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User Interface Proposal
Storyboard That

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نص القصة المصورة

  • Older adults have decline cognitive, perceptual & motor abilities, this affect the ability and acumen to perform certain task especially those affected by diseases like diabetes,obesity, heart diseases, arthritis, hand anthropometry and others. HIT are widely used in various health sttings, to help provide safe, on-time, care (Jeddi, et al, 2020)
  • Global population is aging rapidly,rising more than 3 fold since 1950. Here in the US people age 65 and older numbered 54.1 million representing 16% in 2019. 
  • Decline in psychomotor strength, dexterity and sensitivity related to aging leads decrease in cognitive capacities and decrease navigation skills. Attempting to press buttons with small surface area and reaching the upper limbs accross an interface like the mouse is challenge (Harte, et al, 2014)
  • The hand is a tool in interacting with hand held devices, such devices should be design UI that facilitate,the power grip and pinch grip, this will ease the difficulty associated with holding the device during interaction.(LaMonica et al,2021)
  • UI That uses smart technologies to reduce multiple touches and touchscreen that response appropriately to user input selection help the elderly access ehealth, telehealth and telemedicine at the comfort at thier home. in paying bill, making refills , makiing appointment
  • Display is the interface at which device is perceived.design and function of display will directly contribute to the user experience, the mouse features trackball designed to suit easy grip is easier for seniors.to navigate (LaMonica, et al, 2021)
  • The elderly have both sensory and motor problems.Mechanical keyboard that are highly tactile with each key containing separate spring and switch is user friendlier to the elderly. it is comfortable and yields less errors in data entry and typing.
  • Health technologies should be design with user in mind. usability guidelines have recommended adopting a user centered design approach and the use of expert heuristics to guide design interfaces . This suggested design changes will ensure that the interface is usable enough to be properly used by end users. and will reduce errors. and is compliant with regulations. (Marcilly, et al, 2016)
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