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The tale of custard the dragon

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The tale of custard the dragon
Storyboard That

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إنشاء القصة المصورة الخاصة بك

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نص القصة المصورة

  • Belinda and her pets Ink,Blink,Mustard,Custard are living together
  • All other pets except custard were boosting their strength
  • Custard cried for a nice safe cage. so everyone made fun of him
  • suddenly a pirate enters the house and Belinda and all other pets except custard gets frightened.
  • Custard gobbled the pirate and everyone embraced and praised him.
  • But even after all this, all other pets except custard again started boosting their strength and custard agrees with them. This gives us a theme that appearances are not reality.
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