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Science Project

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Science Project
Storyboard That

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نص القصة المصورة

  • Okay class. Tomas is going to give us a claim about humans and natural recourse
  • My claim is that if we use more of our public tranpotation, bycles, or walk  then we can reduce the amout natural secorses that are used in cars
  • how do you know that?
  • 1.https://www.investopedia.com/ask/answers/062315/what-types-raw-materials-would-be-used-auto-manufacturer.asp  
  • Cars are made out of rubber, steel, alluminum, and glass.  these are non reuable resorses. this means that they can be renewed in our lifetime.
  • 2.https://wwf.panda.org/wwf_offices/armenia/help_us/eco_help_living/#:~:text=Use%20public%20transport%2C%20cycle%20or,home%20as%20a%20holiday%20souvenir. 3.https://www.boston.com/cars/news-and-reviews/2015/05/14/study-most-car-related-air-pollution-comes-from-only-25-of-cars/ 
  • How do you know that
  • if we reduse the amount of cars that we use then we can reduse the amout of car poultion by 25%.
  • How do you know that
  • this is becaseu the materials use to make a car are non remewable and don't degrade very fast. not only that but when the gas is burned it creats greenhoue gasses and then relised into the air
  • How do you know that
  • and then the air becomes pouled. if we quit using as many cars then we can stop the gasses and hel psave the emviorment.
  • Thank you Thomas you can have a seat.
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