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جربه مجانا!

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جربه مجانا!

نص القصة المصورة

  • Hello I am Basima and we will explain the importance and meaning of each garment.
  • Hi everyone, I'm Jason
  • I am Amin and here we will explain you the meaning of each of our clothes
  • I am Azahara as you can see we are all wearing different types of clothing.
  • Let's start with the men
  • A fundamental requirement of Arab dress is that the man must cover the awrah, i.e. the part of the body between the navel and the knees, and the clothes must be simple, light and not tight to the body.
  • In the Arab world, men generally wear a wide, long-sleeved, ankle-length tunic called a thawb or suriyah, which is made of white cotton in summer and dark wool in winter, and a turban or kafiyyeh worn on the head, representing one of the Arab symbols, as a daily garment.
  • that would be the only thing for us men to wear. As you can see we men don't really have many forms of clothing compared to women.
  • In the Arab culture it is forbidden to value women for their physical beauty, women's clothing is varied and is characterised by some garments that do not impede the fulfilment of their role in society, one of the best known being the hijab, which is a mantilla that completely covers the head and neck, representing both a religious and feminine symbol with a great variety of styles.
  • The niqab, which hides the face and exposes the eyes, and also the al-amira, a two-piece cloak that fits over the head.
  • The suits I said are a bit similar to the ones I'm wearing.
  • Other types of Arab women's clothing include the well-known burqa, a dress that covers the entire body except for the eyes, the chador, which is a blanket worn by Iranian women outside the home, and the djellaba, which covers from the neck to the ankles, and is worn over clothing only when going out on the street, from one place to another.
  • The shayla, because of its length, wraps around the head and folds at the shoulders, or the khimar, which forms a cape that reaches to the waist and wraps around the hair, neck and shoulders.
  • Certainly, each of the countries that make up the marvellous Arab culture have made their own adaptations to these costumes, always respecting the canons that govern their traditions.
  • This is why Arab dress has become a very informative element of this particular way of life.
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