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Keeper of the Lost Cities

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Keeper of the Lost Cities
Storyboard That

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نص القصة المصورة

  • They killed Kenric!
  • It was Fintan and the neverseen!
  • we need to get help!
  • FITZ! What happened to eternalia??!!
  • Etarnalia's on fire!!
  • Keefe! Keefe!!
  • Whats wrong?
  • eternalia's on fire!
  • Tam, pant, Linh!
  • what's wrong, school doesn't start until next week!
  • As Sophie arrives at Eternalia, the capital of the elvin cities, she realises it has been set on fire by a group of rebels, the Neverseen.The fire has killed one of the most frienly councillors.She sees her friend, Fitz and he explains what happened.Fitz is a telepath and so is Sophie. This means that they can read people's minds. Sophie also has 4 other abilities, breaking the record in the elvin world for the amount of abilities.
  • sophie?What are you doing here?
  • Eternalia's burning down!
  • She runs to get help from her best friend, Keefe.Keefe is an empath which means that he can read people's emotions and feel them. His mother, Lady Gisela worked for the Neverseen before disapearing
  • After that, she rushed to Tam's house ant told the news to him and his twin sister, Linh.Tam is a shade which means he has the ability control darkness with a substance called shadowvapor. This allows them to talk secretly, somewhat like transmitting to another person when their shadows cross. This is called shadow-whispering.Linh is a hydrokinetic which means she can controll water.
  • Sophie visits Biana and Marella. Biana is Fitz's sister yet has the a different ability. She is a vanisher which means she can vanish on demand. Marella is a pyrokinetic which means she can controll firebeing a pyrokinetic requires you to have a license as some pyrokinetics have grown 'unstable' in the past.
  • Finally, Sophie visits Silvenny and Greyfell, the two alicorns.Alicorns are a cross between a unicorn and a pegasus.Because she is a telepath, she can talk to alicorns and other animals telepathically. She asks them to join them to try and save Eteranlia
  • The group meet at eternalia and put out the fire. Tam captures Fintan as one of Sophies friends that lives there thanks sophie for saving him.
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