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Sustainable development comic strip

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Sustainable development comic strip
Storyboard That

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القصة المصورة الوصف

English PA3 Project

نص القصة المصورة

  • Good Morning students! Today we are going to learn about sustainable development.
  • As you have read in the chapter" The Tide Turns". We, humans are demolishing the marine life and other wildlife by polluting and taking away their homes. This needs to be stopped as it will affect us sooner or later.
  • We are cutting down forests to urbanize due to the the increasing population. This means that with more people, the demand for resources will increase. This will eventually lead to depletion of resources and finally to human extinction because without these resources we won't be able to fulfill our necessities. For instance, if the rivers are polluted, we won't be able to get clean edible water.
  • This can be stopped. If we utilize every resource properly, recycle things such as paper , reduce travelling with vehicles causing pollution, etc. ,we will no only save ourselves but also the future generations to come. This in known as Sustainable Development.
  • So, by being selfless and thinking about the world as a whole, we must stop wasting precious resources and polluting mother earth, so that all live in harmony. 
  • So class, I hope you enjoyed today's topic and learned many valuable lessons. Goodbye!
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