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Business Cycle

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Business Cycle
Storyboard That

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جربه مجانا!

إنشاء القصة المصورة الخاصة بك

جربه مجانا!

نص القصة المصورة

  • I need to find a Job that will pay me enough to support my wife and children
  • You look like you need a job son come work for me. Since there is currently an expansion I could offer a raise within 3 months of hard work
  • Really?! That sounds great I could start tomorrow.
  • Two month Later
  • But sir I need this raise to be able to pay for the extra expenses of the raise you offered.
  • I'm sorry son recently it seems the economy as gone into a recession and I wont be able t promise you that raise.
  • How will I afford to sustain my family without a job.
  • Sorry son but the economy is worse than I thought. A depression has started and Ill be shutting down the business
  • One month later and I still haven't found a Job but I believe the economy is recovering from what I've heard on the news
  • That sounds great Ill be able to live more comfortably than I did before with my old job. thanks to the economic recovery.
  • Hey Sr you look like you might need a job. I can offer you a job at my clinic and with the recovery of the economy I could pay you more than the average job.
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