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Forbidden City #2

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Forbidden City #2
Storyboard That

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نص القصة المصورة

  • That's weird why aren't the soldiers armed? Why are they not controlling the protesters? What kind of army is this?
  • Down with Li Peng!Down with Deng Xiao-ping!
  • Democracy! Freedom of the press!
  • We are China's university students!
  • No, we should stay and seal off the square by barricading the streets they won't be able to take us away from the square
  • Should we obey the martial law? The PLA will come for us either way.
  • Why are there little bottles everywhere on the signs?
  • The students are discussing tactics they will use against the PLA
  • Oh, I know, Xiao Ping means little bottle, its a play on his name.
  • Get out of here! We want democracy!
  • I was warned by my Party boss not to help you guys in any way, if you are breaking martial law.
  • Well, that's it then, you can't help us because you'll get in major trouble and we're not quitting!
  • I want to stay and help you, but I just can't help you directly with anything illegal.
  • Lao Xu, I don't want you to help us, you could get in serious trouble if you get caught, but if you insist to stay, its your choice and we welcome your help!
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