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Graphic Novel

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Graphic Novel
Storyboard That

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نص القصة المصورة

  • Did you know? Before the 1930's it was very difficult to get basically anywhere. Transportation was one of the most common problems. 
  • It was not until later that people started using public transportation such as horse riding
  • Railways, trains......
  • subways and buses too!There is over 250 million vehicles registered and with the increase use of cars, ridership went down to 6.3 billion.
  • public transportation has provided over 10 billion trips because of much more people and private investment in public transportation. 
  • What type of positive or negative outcome can transportation have in our community?What type of transportation do you use to get to school?What type pf transportation systems do you see around our community?Are all public transportation systems free?
  • Public transportation has evolved with science and technology over the years. From cargo vessels that carry goods to buses and each and everyone of them is essential for our community to get to their destinations.
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