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dennis the menace

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dennis the menace
Storyboard That

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نص القصة المصورة

  • 1 EXT. DENNIS’S FRONT GARDEN - DAYWIDE SHOT: The Colonel, in his garden, looks over at Dennis's with mild interest as a terrified Double Glazing SALESMAN charges round and round Dennis’s house, Gnasher on his tail.1 GNASHER/SALESMAN/AAAAAARRRGH!
  • 2 COLONEL: Spot of intel, possibly a tad late. The Salesman and Gnasher race past again. The Salesman's jacket is now shredded. GNASHER/SALESMAN/AAAAAARRRGH!
  • 2 COLONEL: Or salesmen. They race past again, Salesman now minus shirt, bare-chested. GNASHER/SALESMAN/AAAAAAARRRRGH!
  • 3 COLONEL: Just be thankful you’re not wearing spotty underpants. They race past again. The Salesman’s trousers are now gone. He’s wearing spotty underpants.9 GNASHER/SALESM
  • 4 COLONEL: Ah The Colonel whips out a huge walkie-talkie.
  • EXT. SCHOOL GATE - DAY Outline of a phone in a bobbing black pocket. RINGTONE (D&GTHEME). A hand reaches down and whips the phone out.
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