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Graphic Memoir 2

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Graphic Memoir 2
Storyboard That

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نص القصة المصورة

  • At about midday we got lunch at ,fittingly, a forties style dinner. Decorations covered the walls showing recruitment posters and patriotic objects. From the celling model planes were hung showing miniature air battles. After we finished we prepared to move to our next event.
  • Recruits
  • Are you doing your part?Join the Mobile Infantry Today.
  • We arrived at the Normandy American Cemetary to pay our respects to the fallen soldiers. It was sad seeing the graves but sadder still seeing the graves reading unknown. We walked along the headstones in remembrance for a little while but then moved to the next location.
  • For our final destination we went to sainte Mere Eglise to see a replication of U.S. army paratrooper John Steele hanging from a church steeple by his parachute. We also saw other places in the town where paratroopers landed and battled the Germans. An interesting note is that the stained glass in the church was broken during the battle but replaced with stained glass that had paratrooper emblems. Finally we said good bye to Normandy but I will never forget it.
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