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Indus Valley civilization

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Indus Valley civilization
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نص القصة المصورة

  • The Indus River civilization existed 5,000 years ago. They used the Indus River for drinking, washing, Irrigating fields, and Religious cerimonies.
  • In the Indus River Valleys city they had sewers which carried the waste water away to nearby fields. It was home to around 35,000 people.Children could play in the courtyards of houses, and probably on the flat roofs to.
  • In the showers people stood on a brick shower tray and tipped the clean water over themselves from a jar. Dirty water flowed out of the house through pipes into a drain in the street.
  • It is one of the largest public buildings at Mohenjo-daro, measuring 108 ft. x 180 ft. with the bathing pool 39 ft. long, 28 ft. wide and 8 ft. deep. During these functions water was used to purify and renew well-being. People were not allowed to enter the Great Bath if they were poor or not pure. There was a bathroom area next to it, which was most likely to used for purification before entering the Great Bath.
  •  In the Indus River Valley civilization they used seals. If you pressed the seal into soft clay, it left a copy of itself on the clay. When the clay dried hard, it could be used as a tag, which could then be tied to a pot or basket. Pictures on seals and other artefacts show what look like figures of gods.
  • The Indus River Valley of course, came to a end, here are some reasons why. Indus River destruction, the Indus River changed course a lot. This would have disastrous effects. It also could have been from a Mass murder. They found skeletons in the street. Aryans gods were bloodthirsty. A final reason was there was not enough crops. They cut down trees to make new fields, but nutrients were lost. And there was a limited crops supply.
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