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نص القصة المصورة
It is an early morning for the Rodgers, it is the first day of the school year! It is now currently 6 am.
rriinngg! rriinngg!
oh yay so excited, But I do not want to get up yet!
ugh, too early! But I am really excited for the start of the school year!
Mr. and Mrs. Rodgers are getting ready for work as they discuss their kid's first day of school.
sweetheart I am sure they will be fine, they have done this before, remember?
Oh, I am so nervous for Emily and Erin's first day of school!
yes, I know, Erin's going into 7th and Emily's going into 3nd, and soon enough Ellie will be in Kindergarten!
yah, almost
well, Joe if I can't...
Shh, its ok. You girls almost ready to go?
Oh My Gosh Emi, you've said that like 10,000 times! Just shut up!
Mommy! their being mean!
I'm soooo excited!!
girls we're almost there just calm down! Erin your the oldest and I expect you to behave
bye girls I love you!
bye mom love you!
Sweaty, it's okay! I will be back at the end of the day to pick you up, I love you!
No mommy, no you can't leave me!
It's okay Emily, see all these other kids are having fun!
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