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my first crush

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my first crush
Storyboard That

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نص القصة المصورة

  • So, in conclusion, the problem is...
  • Yes, you are right.
  • Scott, if she means that much to you then you need to tell her.
  • LONG SHOT. MADDY (17) enters the classroom and tries to sneak past. MR BROOKS (36) is disappointed that she has interrupted a speech.
  • Maddy, I wish I had your touch. Don't you know how much I miss you?
  • Big long shot.Scott runs down the hallway.
  • Scott runs out the front door. His mother, JUDY (47), notices him while watching afternoon television.
  • He sits down at his desk and sets up the webcam. He pulls out an acoustic guitar that looks like it has never been played before.
  • Maddy is sitting in her room in front of her computer. She is on Skype with JESSICA
  • Wait, I got this email from a Scott.
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