Never heard of quarantine? Well, I'll explain it all in this adventure! Have fun!
نص القصة المصورة
Me and my sister! - In quarantine!
Hi guys! Did you notice that we're by ourselves?well... we're in quarantine!Don't know what quarantine is? Well there's a virus outdoors,so the prime minister said to stay safe and at home, unless: you need to get some groceries, if you need to umm.. well that's all I know, but I'm sure there are some other reasons. So Angel and I are playing on our phones, Angel's playing ball catch, and I'm playing princess dress-up!
Elena! - In quarantine!
Hi! I'm teaching Snowball some tricks during quarantine!
Cailley! - In quarantine!
Hi! For quarantine, I'm taking care of Goldie!
Sofia! - In quarantine!
Rock, paper, scissors, shoot!
Hewo! Today, In quawentine, Me and big thithter are pwaying wok papew thithors thoot!