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First Explorers

Mormon Pioneers

Admitted into Statehood


Olympic Games

Spanish explorer, Juan Antonio, visits the land. One year later in 1776, French priest Father Escalante led an expedition through the area.

Mormon pioneers, led by Brigham Young, arrived. They

traveled across the country to find a place where they could have freedom of religion.

Utah became the 45th state to be admitted into statehood on January 4th, 1896.

The first Sundance Film Festival takes place at the Sundance Mountain Resort in Salt Lake City.

Salt Lake City hosts the Winter Olympics!

Utah History

Tue Jan 01 1765 4:56:02 AMFri Jan 01 1847 4:56:02 AMWed Jan 01 1896 5:00:00 AMSun Jan 01 1978 5:00:00 AMTue Jan 01 2002 5:00:00 AMLegendačas Break105 let in 364 dnevi

Utah become a state in 1896.

Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid

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