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First Storyboard

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First Storyboard
Storyboard That

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نص القصة المصورة

  • September 1st,Wednesday 9:00AM (NJIT, Newark, NJ)
  • Should pass placement test to get course pre requisites waived off!
  • first day at college!
  • September 1st,Wednesday 1:00PM (NJIT, Newark, NJ)
  • Yay,I have cleared my placement exam, now i can take courses as planned.
  • Placement Exam
  • September 2nd,Thursday 12:00PM (Apartment, Harrison, NJ)
  • How many courses should I take?
  • Let me go and meet the advisor
  • September 3rd,Friday11:00AM (NJIT, Newark, NJ)
  • Advisor,I have cleared the placement test.Need your advice for course selection.
  • Here’s a list you can chose from.
  • September 4th,Saturday1:00PM (NJIT, Newark, NJ)
  • I have decided upon some courses.which all professors should I go for?
  • Take SAAD under Chris,EDM under Yang,UED under James and ISP under Dev
  • September 4th,Sunday 7:00PM (Apartment, Harrison, NJ)
  • Oh....The course registertion opens at 12AM..I need to somehow register for all the courses
  • September 5th,Monday 2:00PM (NJIT, Newark, NJ)
  • My holds are not yet removed inspite of me clearing the placement exam?
  • Oh i don't know,there might be some problem with the system.Let me remove it now.
  • September 5th,Monday 8:00AM (Apartment, Harrison, NJ)
  • Thank god...i could register for all 4 courses of my choice
  • September 7th,Wednesday 3:00PM (NJIT, Newark, NJ)
  • hmmm..This class is engaging!
  • First day of class
  • IS661
  • September 12th,Monday 9:10PM (NJIT, Newark, NJ)
  • Hi,I'm Neha,this is my second semester here.
  • Hi I'm Ron,This is my final semester here
  • Hi I'm Nathan,I'm in my final semester
  • Hi I'm Pooja,This is my 1st semester here
  • September 9th,Friday 6:00PM (NJIT, Newark, NJ)
  • First day of ISP class
  • hmmm...I have to study hard for the exam
  • I'm Richie,You don't have group project in this subject but you have mid-term and final exams
  • Information System Principles
  • IS677
  • September 30th,Friday 1:00PM (NJIT,Cafeteria, Newark, NJ)
  • It's been an hour!only one has turned up for the project meeting
  • September 30th,Friday 3:00PM (NJIT, Newark, NJ)
  • Hi,Pooja ,i'm not coming for the meeting today as i have other work to do
  • Hi,Ron I have been waiting for an hour!when are you coming here?
  • October 3rd,Monday 3:00PM (NJIT, Newark, NJ)
  • Hello Professor,my teammates are not helping me out for the project,can you please intervene?
  • You need to sort this out on your own.
  • October 7th,Friday 1:00PM (NJIT,Cafeteria, Newark, NJ)
  • Ok!
  • Ok!
  • Let's split our task,our mid-term project deadline is fast approaching
  • Sure!
  • October 14th,Friday 3:00PM (NJIT, Newark, NJ)
  • Okay,Let's split the task among ourselves and finish it off!
  • Ron and Nathan wont be able to make it as they have job interviews lined up for next week.
  • October 21st,Friday 3:00PM (NJIT, Newark, NJ)
  • Good Job, but you guys still need to work on the loopholes.
  • Sure Professor,we will work on it
  • IS663-SAAD
  • October 22nd,Saturday 6:00PM (Apartment, Harrison, NJ)
  • Hmm..the courses seem interesting.I like EDM the most! The professor couldn’t be better!
  • October 23rd,Sunday 6:00PM (Apartment, Harrison, NJ)
  • I need to start preparing for my mid-term exams which are fast approaching
  • November 3,Thursday 6:00PM (NJIT, Newark, NJ)
  • Phew Now that my mid term exams are over and i have got good grades,I need to plan for the subjects i'm going to take in my next semester.
  • Let me go and meet the advisor
  • November 4th,Friday 2:00PM (NJIT, Newark, NJ)
  • Hello Advisor,Is it possible to take both DA and web mining in the same semester as i need to finish off my core courses ?
  • You can,But only if your DA Professor grants you permission to take it?
  • November 7th,Monday 11:00AM (NJIT, Newark, NJ)
  • Hello Professor Lin,Can you grant me permission to take WEb mining along with DA in the next semester?
  • Sure I can grant you permission,But make sure you study hard.
  • November 8th,Tuesday 2:00PM (NJIT, Newark, NJ)
  • Professor Lin has granted me permission to take Web mining and DA together?can you please remove my hold
  • Sure!
  • November 10th,Thursday 5:10AM (Apartment, Harrison, NJ)
  • I have got 3 courses of my choice,but missed out on my 4th one
  • November 30th,Wednesday 3:00PM (Apartment, Harrison, NJ)
  • I have to start preparing for my final exams and project.
  • December 12th,Monday 6:00 PM (NJIT, Newark, NJ)
  • You guys are on the right track,good job!
  • Thank You,Professor
  • December 15th,Thursday 6:00 PM (Apartment, Harrison, NJ)
  • Phew,i'm done with all my exams,hopefully i receive good grades in all of them
  • December 19th,Monday 6:00 PM (Apartment, Harrison, NJ)
  • Not Bad...I got A in 3 subjects and B in User Exp design
  • December 20th,Tuesday 6:00 PM (Apartment, Harrison, NJ)
  • if given a chance in the second semester ,I hope i choose my own teammates
  • September 2nd,Thursday 3:00 PM (Apartment, Harrison, NJ)
  • Let me open the app and book the slot to meet the advisor
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