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desert biome

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desert biome
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نص القصة المصورة

  • Desert
  • Abiotic Factors
  • Biotic Factors
  • This is the Desert Biome.This biome is in Africa.Here are some facts about this biome.
  • Predator and Prey
  • The land here is dry and sandy.There is also little precipitation.The temputare can range from1-120F. Also it is hot during the day and cold during the night.
  • Symbiotic Relationship
  • In this biome there are snakes, mice, jack rabbits, eagles, owls, tortoise, lizard, crocodile, and toads.
  • Competition
  • In the desert there are many predator and prey pairs.For example, a pair is a mouse and a snake.The snake is the predator and the mouse is the prey.Another oneis a tortoise and a lizard.
  • There are 3 types of symbiotic relationships:mutualism, communism, and parasitism.A mutual relationship is a bird get the food out of the crocodile.It is mutual because the bird is getting food and the crocodile is getting the food out(++).The communism relationship is an owl sleeping in a cactus.It is a communism relationship because the owl is getting a home and the cactus doesn't care(+o).Lastly a parasitism relationship is when a rabbit gets a tick.It is a parasitism relationship because the rabbit is getting affected but the tick is getting benefited(+_)
  • They are 2 types of competition:interspecific competition and intarspecific. An interspecific can be between hyenas.An interspecific is a competition between the same species. An intarspecific can between a hyena and a loin. An interspecfic is a competiton between two different species.
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