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Persona 2

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Persona 2
Storyboard That

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جربه مجانا!

إنشاء القصة المصورة الخاصة بك

جربه مجانا!

نص القصة المصورة

  • Beverly needs to find a cafe at Pacific Werribee for her and her friends to meet at.
  • She internet searches for the website...
  • Pacific Werribee Shopping Centre
  • search.com/pacific-werribee-shopping-centre
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla viverra dignissim molestie. Duis tempus lacus....
  • On the home page, she searches for "cafes" in the shopping centre
  • pacificwerribee.com
  • cafes
  • On the home page, she searches for "cafes" in the shopping centre, and clicks the cafe she wants to see more details of.
  • pacificwerribee.com
  • Wicked Coffee Shop
  • The Coffee Place Cafe
  • cafes
  • After clicking on the cafe name, Beverly sees the opening hours, and any details about the coffee shop she wishes to visit.
  • Opening Hours:12pm to 5pm, Monday to Friday
  • pacificwerribee.com
  • The Coffee Place Cafe
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam nulla quam, malesuada accumsan mauris vitae, aliquet rhoncus libero. Nunc sed velit lectus. Nam consequat suscipit quam, eu efficitur augue lacinia in. Quisque blandit, eros quis rhoncus consequat, purus nunc lacinia velit, ut hendrerit nulla enim ut sapien. Aliquam erat volutpat. Sed ullamcorper molestie eleifend. Etiam vel urna quis ligula facilisis egestas. Sed accumsan erat risus, sit amet vestibulum enim dignissim ac. Donec efficitur sem quis egestas eleifend. Integer et iaculis enim, ac lobortis orci. Nullam eget lorem sed turpis ullamcorper imperdiet. Curabitur a magna vitae magna iaculis consectetur eu et quam. Nunc efficitur, turpis vitae varius tempus, enim enim imperdiet arcu, at volutpat lorem ante a neque. Aliquam erat volutpat.
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