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The story of an hour

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The story of an hour
Storyboard That

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نص القصة المصورة

  • Richards and Josephine tell Mrs. Mallard very gently, that her husband Mr. Mallard died. Mrs. Mallard has a very serious hear condition.
  • Mrs. Mallard walks upstairs alone. She is going into her room to grieve her husband's death.
  • As Mrs. Mallard greaves her husband and looks out the window, she realizes that his death has set her free.
  • Josephine calls to Louise to try and get her to open the door and to let her in. Josephine is afraid that Louise will make herself ill.
  • After "drinking in a very elixir of life through that open window", Louise opens the door and descends downstairs with Josephine.
  • As they reach the bottom, they are met by Richard, and the sound of someone opening the door. That someone is Mr. Mallard. He was not near the accident, and his entering shocked Louise to death.
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