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Boston Tea Party

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Boston Tea Party
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نص القصة المصورة

  • The British Parliament in 1773
  • That is an amazing idea! Mainly because those wars were for their protection. The colonists own this for us.
  • Britain is in debt with the War with French and Indians. Hence the Parlament has decided to pass the Townshend Act. Therefore, the colonists can pay for this through taxes.
  • In the colonies: Refusal
  • This is not right. No taxation without representation!
  • Townshed Actuktfircytviubinoihibyuvtyctrtyfyvjh jkyytitcg hvkhgcrtityvkh vghkgtcyt ghgvghvgv jhbuygoyubkj eoirgeireirgergeirger uehrgiaergçoiearg eirhgiueahgg
  • Repairs in the Parlament
  • All right, we will remove the taxes, except the Tea.
  • The Tea Act will allow only the British East India Company to not pay taxes.
  • Another great idea Sr. Now, with this Monopoly politic, the colonists will buy their tea from us as it will be cheaper. 
  • The indignation of the colonists
  • Are they kidding us? It is absurd!
  • Tea Actuktfircytviubinoihibyuvtyctrtyfyvjh jkyytitcg hvkhgcrtityvkh vghkgtcyt ghgvghvgv jhbuygoyubkj eoirgeireirgergeirger uehrgiaergçoiearg eirhgiueahgg mndfnfgndfgndr
  • Sons of Liberty Reunion
  • We cannot let Britain control us that way.
  • They cannot impose these taxes upon us without a representation of the colonies in the parliament!
  • Protest: Boston Tea Party
  • On December 16, 1773, the Boston Tea Party occurred led by the Sons of Liberty, which dressed up as Native Americans.
  • All of the 340 chests of tea that was owned by Britain were tossed into the water.
  • It is abuse! Now, much of my business will fail. What will I do?
  • Three ships loaded with tea are coming soon to the Boston Harbor. We should do something. 
  • Let's throw all the tea into the sea!
  • Yeah! Throw all the boxes into the sea! Now, the British need to respect us.
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