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Upozornenie: Nenahrávajte materiály chránené autorskými právami (hudbu na pozadí, filmové alebo televízne klipy atď.)

Vytvorte si vlastné na Storyboard That

excuse me, that isn't safe!

Richard woke up at 7:30 like he did every morning to go to his daily job as a package mover.

Richard catches the bus as usual to arrive ten minutes before his shift starts.

Richard starts to do his daily routine until he realized he has been packaging the wrong boxes!

Richard tries to take matter into his own hands but just makes it worse. He decides not to tell anyone, worrying that he would get fired.


What am I going to do. Im going to get fired!

Richard's boss approached him but Richard did not tell him about the accident the other day.

Richard laid in his bed thinking of what he could do.

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