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iPhone Presentation

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iPhone Presentation
Storyboard That

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نص القصة المصورة

  • Hello! Good evening everybody! My name is Joice, how are you?Today I am here to introduce you to the newest technology invented on the market.
  • In
  • Apple will revolutionize the market with its 3 in 1 launch.
  • . A widescreen Ipod with touch - sensitive controls, a revolutionary cell phone and an advanced internet divice called the Iphone.
  •  The iphone will be a device of the smartphone lines with the best technologies, it will be the iOS system.
  •  Some specs: 3.5 inch screen, 2 MPrear camera, up to 8 GB of storage and 128 MP of RAM, plus GSM and EDGE connectivity, foxconn manufacturing.And did you like it?Goodnight!
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