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The Crusades

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The Crusades
Storyboard That

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نص القصة المصورة

  • I'm asking you to fight for the sake of Jerusalem
  • Muslims
  • Crusaders
  • Jerusalem
  • Pope Urban II united Jerusalem to fight and protect it. Kings and nobles quit fighting amongst themselves and joined as one to fight. The army had thousands.
  • RUNNNNN!!!
  • The crusaders fought the muslims and won after a month of fighting. They then set up 4 small kingdoms in the holy land.
  • Here Lies The king of Germany.Died a hero. RIP
  • Muslims were planning a route to conquer Jerusalem. When they arrived, the Muslims conquered Jerusalem because the Christians had poor planning.
  • You think you can win, HA LOL
  • I hate that guy
  • The next battle was embarrassing for the crusaders to say the least. Their forces were very unorganized and because of that the muslims took back the holy lands.
  • The crusaders were becoming desperate so they got help from the german king and the french king. Unfortunately the german king died and that meant the Germans were in shambles without a king.
  • There were many crusades after but they all didn't matter because the muslims kept beating the crusaders over and over again. In the end, the Muslims were the rulers of the Holy Lands.
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