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Romulus and Remus

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Romulus and Remus
Storyboard That

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نص القصة المصورة

  • The Birth of Romulus and Remus
  • Raised By a Wolf
  • All Grown Up
  • Romulus et Remus nati sunt reginae nomine Rhea Silvia et Mars, deus belli Romanus. Timuit ergo rex quod una die regnum suum caperet, et misit eos in sporta super flumen Triber.
  • Founding a City
  • We should do it on THAT hill!
  • A she-wolf found the twins, and protected them from the other animals. One day, a sheperd saw the boys and decided to take them home. The Shepherd raised the twins and treated them like his sons.
  • Remus Is Killed
  • Romulus and Remus grew up to be natural leaders, but one day, Remus was captured and brought to the king, the king recognized him, and Romulus and the sheperds decided they had to get him back. They killed the king, and the townspeople asked them to be King, but they said no.
  • Rome is Founded
  • Rōmulus and Rēmus indēxit quō nōn hodie Rōma est. Geminos utrique loci communem locum invenerunt, sed dissenserunt in quo colle ad urbem imponendam, signum deorum expectabant.
  • Romulus murum circa Collem Pallentie aedificavit, Remus invidet et Romulus pro eo ludo coepit. Remus murum transiluit ut ostenderet quam facile esset, et Romulus insanivit et eum interfecit.
  • Remo mortuo Romulus urbem suam facere coepit. Urbem Romam post se nominavit, et fuit urbs potentissima per mille annos.
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