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The French and indian war

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The French and indian war
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نص القصة المصورة

  • French and Indian warBy: Janelis Troche
  • Why did it happen?
  • This war started in 1754 when General George Washigton was sent to remove from a land that was created by the british . During this a French diplomat was killed . George washington and his forces are defeated and That causes the start of the war.
  • General Edward Braddocks army is defeated after being attack in french fort.
  • However, The war officailly ended in 1763. The british won the french and indian war. They then took over land that was owned by France . France lost all its mainland possesions 
  •  Treaty of Paris  
  • In 1763, This treaty was beneficial to the colonist because it removed European competetion from both north and south and opened up North America to westward expansion.France lost canadian possesions . Spain got all French lands but lost florida to England.Great britian got all french lands in canada
  • The war impacted Great Britian and the colonist. In 1754 Benjamin Franklin plan of union to coordinate defenses across continent. Halt to western expansion upsets colonists .
  • Tensions in massachusetts increase over crackdown on smuggling . wrists of assistance allow searches of ships, businesses and homes. parliament passes a series of tax laws upsetting some colonists
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