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the giver chapter 17

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the giver chapter 17
Storyboard That

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إنشاء القصة المصورة الخاصة بك

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نص القصة المصورة

  • "today is declared a holiday"
  • asher where are you?
  • "bam"
  • The speaker declares today a holiday, so the kids dont have to work and the parents dont have to go to work.
  • "you ruined our game"
  • "please never play this game again"
  • Jonas riding his bicycle looking for Asher
  • "gay, gay"
  • Jonas and Asher along with other children playing "good guys and bad guys"
  • "you see kids, we weigh them to determen how big they are"
  • Asher getting mad at Jonas for "ruining" the game
  • Jonas, and his family talking and listening while Gaberial is attempting to say his name
  • Jonas's father explaining to lily and Jonas what will happen with the twins.
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