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Impacts of the green revolution-David-Nick

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Impacts of the green revolution-David-Nick
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  • Material substitution can help reduce copper pollution through the use of less or non-toxic materials. Other prevention methods in industries include product redesign and process improvement.
  • Big companies who mine the copper like Rio Tinto, Freeport-McMoRan and Lundin Mining benefit from this innovation.
  • The effects of copper mining
  • Chilekwa Mumba a man who had grown up Zambia laerned aboiut the pollution problem, He spent years facilitating meetings between communities and British lawyers, gathering water samples, and convincing former mine workers to provide evidence for a lawsuit. All of his hard work paid off in 2019 when the Supreme Court found that KCM’s parent company could be held accountable in the U.K. for the environmental damage caused by the mine’s operations."
  • Zambia's Copperbelt region has been splillings suphoric acid and other toxic chemicals into the rivers, streams and undergrounf aquifers used for drinking water near the minning town of Chingola Afrirca.
  • The area around where the mining is taking place usaully is affected poorly
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