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The Giver

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The Giver
Storyboard That

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نص القصة المصورة

  • Gabe, the new-child that will get release if he does not develop faster.
  • I'm feeling really anxious about the ceremony tomorrow.
  • how are you feeling Jonas?
  • I am sorry community for making you think I have made a mistake. I did not skip Jonas, he has been chosen for the assignment of Receiver of Memory!
  • Jonas watches the release of the new-child his father performed that day. He found out that released means to be killed with a lethal injection.
  • No... This can't be what it means to be released... Gabe is going to be released... KILLED!! I CAN'T LET THAT HAPPEN!!
  • Are you doing fine, Gabe? I know you're hungry, I am too. We are doing this to save you!
  • Jonas escapes with Gabe to save him from being killed. The memories that he has receiver from the giver are going back to the community.
  • What's that..? Music?
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